Prophetic Declaration and Prayer 26:03:2019

Prophetic Declaration and Prayers

Live Devotional in His Presence
Prophetic Prayers and Declaration
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Posted by The Gathering of the Saints on Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Marriage: God’s Ordained Purpose

Marriage was ordained by God as in the beginning, He officiated the first marriage between Adam and Eve, which main purpose was to populate, to be a companion for each other as there were no other species of His creation that could fulfilled that role. In the unification of both man and woman, God declared them as one flesh and expected that they both operate in one accord on the earth realm as seen from the book of Genesis 2: 23-26

Marriage brings about an intimate and complementary union between man and woman in which the two becomes one physically, in the whole of their life and the purpose of marriage is to reflect the relationship Of the Godhead and to serve him.

“cleaving” in Genesis 2:24 pictures a strong bond between man and woman, the marriage bond was permanent. Separation or termination was not an option before sin entered the world and death with it

“one flesh” in Genesis 2:24 involves the unity of the whole person: purpose, physical, and life- a unity whereby the two becomes a new God-designed, balanced life. They counterbalance each other’s strength and weaknesses.

Sexually the two become one flesh physically as reflected in their offspring. God's ideal exclusiveness of the “one flesh” relationship disallows any other relationship: homosexuality, polygamy, adultery, premarital sex, concubinage, incest, bestiality, cultic prostitution. These and other sexual perversions violate the “oneness” of marriage and in line with these violations, sentence was passed on during the time of Moses often punishable by death

The fall, as marred the divine purpose and function of marriage and the definition cork the God-ordained ideal for marriage from the beginning. The relational aspect of God’s image is reflected in the bringing together of male and female. The roles of the male and female are distinctive but with a vested common purpose, the husband leads, and the wife submits to his leadership. She helps the husband to lead their family to serve and glorify God. The husband also complements his wife so that together they become a new balanced entity that God uses in an enhanced way.

The nature of marriage is complementary, the woman was created as a helper suitable to man. A wife is a “helper” who “compliments” her husband in every way. A helper always subordinates self-interest when helping another A helping role is a worthy one, not implying inferiority as pointed by Apostle Paul in Philippians 2:1-11

God commanded the male and female to perform two specific function; Procreation being fruitful and multiply also ruling over the earth being to subdue and rule over the works of his hand. This implies that human reproduction comes through intimate sexual union designed only for marriage relationship. Reproduction is a divine purpose of marriage and both male and female are not meant to deny each other of this divine purpose.
In his letter to the Corinthians, Apostle Paul identifies the principle of mutual sexual responsibility as in 1 Corinthians 7:3-6 saying let the husband render to his wife the affection due her and likewise the wife same. He emphasises that this must be done with affection by both parties.

In this he pointed that the ownership of their body belongs to each other and therefore they must not deny each other in accordance to God’s plan for mating. But if there be need for abstaining it should be for spiritual matters which must be convene to each other. He pointed to the fact that no spiritual holiness or gain can be obtain from depriving one another. This is also a commandment of the Lord which brings about a commitment to exclusive sexual intimacy which is treated with dignity, considered honourability and undefiled as in Hebrew 13:4

As creator of the marriage relationship, God is the supporting party to a marriage, giving wisdom, discretion, understanding, and love to protect the union, in the beginning the presence of God was visible, man and woman were both naked before each other and also before Him, this illustrate an openness and a position of not being ashamed of each other.

In God’s plan, it was meant to be heterosexual without any basis for divorce expect death, but sin brought a new ambiguity into it and corrupted the perfect plan of God because it was meant to be a covenant between both parties and God sealing this by His presence. In a covenanted relationship the stronger upholds the covenant which implies that the man is to do all he can to see that the marriage works. Which is to lay down his life for his wife as Christ did for the church. I will express that this can only be implemented if both parties sought the face of God in deciding to get married.

The covenant analogy attests the commitment between two married partners, which emphasis is upon an agreement and a commitment. This marriage commitment and faithfulness precludes sexual relationships with anyone except one’s spouse.

Roles are assigned in this relationship even though male and female are equal in relationship to Christ, the scripture gives specific roles to each in marriage. Now in assigning roles, Apostle Paul stated that the husband is to assume headship/ leadership, biblical headship is with authority as exemplified in Christ and in line with God’s purpose in creation. (See Genesis 2:15-25)

Headship is a benevolent responsibility without disdaining, aloofness and patronizing the woman. Although the husband is given the Christ type-like leadership of the church, but he does not have all the rights and authority of Christ. He leads his wife toward dependence upon Christ and not upon himself, for all human leaders are fallible. The husband leads like, being considerate of his wife with respect and knowledge.

Leadership assumes the responsibility to initiate and implement spiritual and moral planning for a family, the husband leadership and its authority is a God-given responsibility to be carried out in humility.
The husband is to treat his wife with respect and consideration, he is to bestow honour upon his wife, making provision for her and the family.

The wife is to submit to her husband’s headship. Submission is a preposition to yield to the husband’s leadership and a willingness to follow his authority. It implies a voluntary, which does not imply that she is inferior, less intelligence or less competence but this can be related to Christ submission to the Father’s authority.

Our Lord Jesus Christ when asked a question in the book of Matthew 19 in respect of His view on remarriage or divorce answered as stated below referring to the original intend of God.

Matthew 19:4-6 (NIV) Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

These above statements affirm the following that from inception God’s intent was that male and female who were in His expressed image should be complimentary to each other, both intrinsically valuable and fitting together in body, soul and spirit.

Jesus pointed that it was a permanent life-long faithful relationship between husband and wife full of love and intimacy.
Jesus reiterated God position on divorce by emphasising that no one should undo what the Lord joined together, He also expressed a strong opinion on life-long relationship in marriage.

1 Corinthians 13:4 7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.


We pray that your marriage will stay secure and fruitful in Christ Jesus as you both gain more understanding and insight to God’s purpose for your lives together.

We pray that you will both be united in one accord on matters arising before you, doing all things in love and unity

We pray that from this moment, you both shall begin to see as one, hear as one and walk in the oneness of purpose in Jesus mighty name.

We pray for total restoration in your marriage and may your marriage begin to blossom in Jesus mighty name.

We pray for those that are yet to be married, that you shall be married to your God’s ordained spouse in Jesus mighty name

We pray that every barrier and limitation be uprooted from your journey of live in Jesus name.

Apostle Yomi and Bola Olowo

Serving under the grace, guidance, love and peace of God

New Victorious Living Ministry (Word Ministry)

(Please note where it is not specified all biblical quotation are from NKJV)

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