June 2016: Faith Clinic: Gates and Altars: Breaking the Chains off Your Neck

Note: Beloved, it is time for Christians to wake up from what is called “Satanic Slumber”. Unless we storm the camp of the enemy and plunder his gates and bring him to submission, it will be impossible to enjoy all our benefits. If we do not become spiritually violent, the sons of disobedience will take over our benefits. If you are familiar with the bible by reading it, you will find out that gates are made for cities to connote, Entrances (1king17) or for houses (Luke 16) or Temples (Acts 3) Prisons (Acts 12) Camps (Ex 32), Beaches/River bank (Nahum 2) or Palaces (Esther 5).

There are many symbols in the Bible and you will find out that the chief places where important decisions are taken, are the gates of cities. Sometimes, they also function as courts of justice. When people want to sell or buy land, it is at the gates you will find them.

General proclamations are made at the gates; the council running the city meets there and conferences are held there too. Public condemnation of people is made at this point and when the enemy wants to attack a city, the area of concentration is the gate that is why experienced officers are placed there. Also, idolatrous people perform their rites there. Criminals are punished there. Gates are shut at night.

Acts 9: 23-24 After many days had gone by, there was a conspiracy among the Jews to kill him, but Saul learned of their plan. Day and night they kept close watch on the city gates in order to kill him

Spiritually, it is the meeting place of the wicked spirits and men. It is an assembly ground where decisions and deliberations are made, where information is passed and action is taken. It is a place of satanic assembly, a house of satanic parliament where wickedness and destruction are planned and the devil assembles his demons and territorial for wicked purposes.

It also regulates entrance and exit into and out of a city.
It determines what time people can or cannot come in.
A gate is the totality of the government and socio-economic life of a city. In the spirit, it has a very heavy meaning

The altars and the stubborn gates have done more damage than the more pronounced witchcraft. This is because believers concentrate more on witchcraft, thereby languishing in ignorance over the source of their “legal” operations .The three strongholds (foundation, Altar and Gates) have turned destinies upside-down, countless souls have been buried and many opportunities lost by the believers as the three working in agreement tend to speak on their behalf, act on their behalf and conclude their assignments of doom also on their behalf. The believers, the born again, the righteous all suffer from the activities of these evil kings.

***“Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting” [Mathew 17; 21] ***

Prayer is the Key for Warfare
As prayer warriors, we are going to tackle each strong hold and destroy them to the glory of God. We must do this on the authority in the name and blood of Jesus Christ For behold” He has given me [empowers me] authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you” Luke 10; 19.
ALTARS. .It is not sufficient for people to carry the bible and walk along the streets as children of God or born again if they have had anything to do with the altars of the devil, it is imperative that all association are denounced and renounced by the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.

1. In the name of Jesus who paid my price at the cross of Calvary, I boldly break every link or contact I have ever had with the demonic world through the altars.
2. Every altar carrying out instructions from my evil foundations to hinder me, be set ablaze in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
3. It is the Lord that has given me power to make wealth, I therefore paralyse and destroy every altar and their spells working against my finance and good living in the name of Jesus. Duet 28; 12,
4. Any stone, and or abnormality, programmed into my spirit, soul and body by the occultic altars be completely destroyed and evacuated in the name of Jesus.
5. Oh Lord, I stand on your word and the authority in the name of Jesus to command the withdrawal all my virtues locked up in the evil altars. Let these virtues come out in the name of Jesus.
6. Let this be known to the altars that I am drunk with the blood of Jesus and have swallowed the fire of the God to purge my system clean. My system is clean in the name of Jesus.
7. Every mountain created by the evil altars, be levelled, in the name of Jesus.

“But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” Obadiah 1:17 KJV

THE GATES.. Gates are being built and locked against the children of God by the activities of unfriendly friends and the altars and the foundations releasing family secrets to them. I thank God as I pray these prayers, the gates of brass and bars of iron will be cut into pieces by the God that answered by fire.

1. Lord I want to show forth your praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion, I will rejoice in thy salvation, I reject any other voice speaking the contrary in the name of Jesus.[Psalm 9;14]
2. Every gate of the enemy anchoring bondage in my life be uprooted mercilessly by the Holy Ghost fire in the mane of Jesus.
3. Let the gate anchoring stubborn problems in my life loose their foundations in the name of Jesus.
4. Let all the unseen gates working mischief in my life, be revealed and uprooted by the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.
5. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors for the king of glory shall come in. [Psalm 24; 7]—Every gate challenging the entrance of the word of God in my life must now be lifted up in the name of Jesus.
6. I uproot and throw out of my life the gates promoting hell in my life, the gates of forgiveness, the gates of prayerlessness, bitterness, anger, malice, lying, stealing, poverty, etc.
7. Oh Lord, I stand on the word of God to command the demolition of all the satanic gates. I embrace your gates which makes me inaccessible, untouchable and unpenetratable to both household of wickedness and other forms of evil activities promoted by my evil foundation, altars and the gates


Confession: Galatian 3: 13-14 "Christ hath redeemed me from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us; for it is written, cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree; that the blessings of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith".

Timothy 4:18: "And the Lord shall deliver me from all evil work and will preserve me unto His heavenly kingdom; to whom be the glory forever and ever, Amen"

Colossians 1: 13: "And having spoiled principalities and powers. He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it":

From this moment May you begin to experience favours and blessing, all things that has been held stagnated in your lives begin to flow and flourish to the glory of God. Every possession you have lost, May YHWH begin to quicken in the restoration process and may you recover all a thousand fold to the shame of your enemies in Jesus Name

Yomi and Bola
Servants under God’s grace, guidance, love and peace

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