Our success in this season in linked to our obedience to the Word and faith in God.
Observing the commandment and Word making sure we are disciplined by it is key to our abundant success in every sphere of our lives
The Lord is bringing His word to pass, which is to bring you into your land of cannan flowing with milk and honey.
You shall be liken to a tree planted by the river that brings forth its fruits in it's season and it's leaves never wither.
Season reading: Nehemiah 8: 10; Ezekiel 37:26; John 15:7; John 10: 10; Psalm 1:1-3; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 92:13-15; proverbs 13: 25; Jeremiah 33: 14; 32:41
May God Almighty bring you to a place of glory and riches through the grace in Christ Jesus. Amen
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