Matthew 20: 6-9 And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle,[a] and said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day?’ 7 They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.’[b]
8 “So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the labourers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.’ 9 And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius 10 but when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius.
In this month whatever has being idle or stagnant, Receive divine power of the Holy Ghost to break loose and break free for divine fulfillment and increase in every areas of your life. May the Almighty Father choose to break protocol for you to fulfill your destiny. For your Shame, Receive Double Honour and glory in Jesus name.
Apostle Yomi and Bola Olowo
Serving under the grace, guidance, love and peace of God
New Victorious Living Ministry (Word Ministry)
Prayer and counselling Line: +44 (0)7803813247
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