An outpouring of His spirit and power in this season to demonstrate His continued desire to see heart changed and turn around to Him.
A season for praying and fellowship with visible realisation to answered prayers.
Manifestation of testimony to those who truly turn their heart to God.
Love and forgiveness are keys to blessings in this season
The house of the Lord is in you and it is about to burst forth with new wine, new glory, new blessing and favour, new anointing as in Joel 3:18
People with evil intentions and connections shall be unmasked according to the deed of their hands- Isaiah 49: 26; Matthew 24: 48-51
New waves of uncompromising attitude by those who oppose the gospel but the Lord shall begin the process of silencing them- Matthew 24: 12-14
Important verses: Ezekiel 39:29; Ezekiel 34:26; John 7: 37-39; Acts 2: 39; Isaiah 43: 19-20; Ezekiel 37:14; Isaiah 41:17;
Hosea 10:12; Acts 2: 2-4; Joel 2: 28-29; Micah 5: 7; Ezekiel 36: 27; Isaiah 60:16-22; Isaiah 61: 9;Acts 2: 17

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