When we don’t pray we might get into a rot. The word of God is essential to bring in the mood of prayer spirit. The Holy Spirit and the Spirit that is in us. It is all about relationship. It helps develop Faith and gives us a God's perspective on matters.
Prayer is a form of communication and communion with God the father, speaking with the Father, relating to him, having a relation offering thanks offerings. Making request in accordance to needs and wants.
Prayer is a central avenue that God uses to change us. The word is every conversation with God.
Prayer is lining up with God's will and making Him to do what he wants to do.
Take it to the Lord in prayers and see Him move on your behalf. Make Him the foundation, Centre and head of all your affairs and this year the Lord will surpass all your expectation in Jesus mighty name. Amen
Isaiah 63: 7- 15 first use of Father.
Psalm 22:12 let my prayer come to you like an incense
Genesis 22:18 prayer Standing 1 Samuel 12:26 Mark 11:25
Being on our knee shows strength and it is a way to surrender to God. Psalm 95:6 Ezra 9:5
Prostrate before the Lord, it is a time of great reverence before God 1 Timothy 2: 8

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